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Relationships Course

Relationships Course


This morning in the Relationships course, I really connected with the message that Headspace suggested. I have been doing the Relationships course for the last two weeks, and in those two weeks, I have seen much improvement in my daily life and relationships. I’ve noticed that I am kinder and more focused on others rather than myself. This course includes a visualization, first visualizing light, warmth, and kindness growing in yourself, and then moving on to imagine that feeling growing in others.

Today, I was focused on visualizing that feeling in someone I didn’t know so well. It made me feel so happy to imagine the person becoming calm and content. After the exercise, Headspace mentioned that we often put up barriers and boundaries with people we don’t know very well and make subconscious rules about who in our lives deserves our kindness. This thought really hit me hard. I know that I definitely put up boundaries in the relationships I have with people in my life, even people I know REALLY well. So when Headspace said to think of a mother’s unconditional love for their child and try to apply that kindness to our relationships, I realized that I put up these barriers and boundaries because I’m afraid of being vulnerable and showing my true self. Instead, I should work show kindness to everyone in my life, those I know well along with complete strangers. I know that I’m not perfect and that life-long habits are hard to break. I also know that I’ll make mistakes along the way, but I am going to commit to working on spreading kindness to everyone in my life and lower the barriers that hide my true vulnerable self.


Gardening Corner Diary Week 5🌱

Gardening Corner Diary Week 5🌱

Black Lives Matter Too 🤚🤚🏻🤚🏼🤚🏽🤚🏾🤚🏿

Black Lives Matter Too 🤚🤚🏻🤚🏼🤚🏽🤚🏾🤚🏿