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Gardening Corner-2021 Seed Buying!

Hey Everyone!

Boy, has it been a while since my last post! February is just around the corner and it’s time to start picking out seeds for this year’s gardening season! Today, I went to a conference on sustainable living and it dawned on me, if I can get good at growing food that I love to eat, I can do my part to live a more eco-friendly and sustainable life. This post is going to highlight what food I love to eat and what I hope to grow this season!

Here is a quick peek at what I hope to plant:

-Strawberries (I ABSOLUTELY LOVE strawberries! If I could only eat one fruit for the rest of my life, strawberries would be it!)*

-Apples (Yes, I know, apples take a while to grow, and it will be a few years before it produces any delicious apples, but hey, why not start now?")*

-Blueberries (Or as my family calls them, BLUBS!)*

-Corn (A classic favorite that I grew last year!)

-Lettuce (OK, I know, last year this was a complete failure, but just like Thomas Edison did, I’m going to keep trying till I have a big head of romaine ready to be chopped up into a Caesar Salad!)

-Carrots (Again, total failure last year, but maybe this time my mom won’t have to put store-bought carrots in the ground, and these ones will grow nicely)

-Blackberries (I’m not sure how Mr. Blackberry is holding up in the cold, but if he decides to produce again next year, I sure won’t mind! After all, his theme song is “I Will Survive!”)

-Tomatoes (These were a huge success last year, so if the garden is doing terribly as we head into the summer, I may add these guys to the mix!)

*definitely going to try!

We’ll see what happens!

Bye for now!


Haunted Halloween🎃👻🦇

Haunted Halloween🎃👻🦇