Hi Everyone!
It's Emily here! Today I used a friend's recipe to make scruptus pancake crepes! The recipe was in grams and milliliters, so I had to change the recipe a bit. I recommend that if you are making crepes, you add 1/4 of a cup more milk. Below are the steps to make the pancake crepes:
1) 1 cup of flour
2) 1 egg
3) 1 cup of milk
4) 1 tbsp of butter
Step 1: Pour in flour and shape it into a mound.
Step 2: Create a hole in the top of the mound. It should look like a volcano. Then crack the egg over the mini volcano.
Step 3: Blend the egg and flour together until fluffy. Then slowly add the milk while blending.
Step 4: While continuing to blend the ingredients together, add the butter. Then let the batter sit for 30 minutes or overnight.
Step 5: Warm up a saucepan and then pour some of the batter onto the pan. Make sure that you spread the batter out. After you finish flipping the pancake crepe, you should throw out the first one because it will be very buttery. Continue pouring batter and flipping the pancake crepes until you don't have any batter left. Then put on your favorite toppings and roll it up. Enjoy your lovely pancake crepes!